Preventative Health

Prevention Is the Best Medicine

Water is beneficial and vital to all life — especially yours. To feel healthy and fit, you have to stay hydrated every day. It acts as a catalyst for renewal, like when you water your plants and watch them grow taller and greener. Water lifts you up, makes you feel refreshed and ready to take on any activity. There’s a lot of advice about the proper amount of water an adult should drink every day — usually 8 to 12 8-ounce glasses1 — you know the amount that keeps you running at your best. Listen to yourself. Brita® water filtration systems help remind you of the important role water plays in your body. Every time you drink a glass of great-tasting Brita® water, remember you’re hydrating yourself with filtered water that your body truly appreciates.

Water and Wellness

  About 60% of your body is water and the only element more important to properly functioning systems is oxygen. Every part of your body from your skin to your brain relies on ample hydration to function. You might be surprised at how integral it is to different parts of the body2: It regulates body TEMPERATURE. Water creates perspiration, which dissipates excess heat to cool our bodies. You may need water when you are overheated and not perspiring. It aids in DIGESTION. Digestion of foods is most efficient and nutrients are taking in more effectively with water. It maintains healthy MUSCLES. Muscles are composed primarily of water. Water not only keeps you strong, it removes wastes from and transports nutrients to the muscle cells and decreases recovery time. It supports our ORGANS. All our organs need water to function at their best. Water also keeps the blood from thickening and in return helps the heart function at its peak. It aids transport of nutrients throughout the entire body, and removes toxins and waste.  

Fighting Cold and Flu

Staying healthy through cold and flu season is no small feat. Sometimes it’s impossible to avoid a virus, but there are several things you can do to boost your immune system. Staying properly hydrated is key to preventing fluid loss and will help keep you feeling energized. If you do get sick, try to drink continuously throughout the day.3 Drinking water is key to staying properly hydrated.1

Dehydration Symptoms

Your body excretes water constantly through sweat, urine and exhaled air, which is why it’s so important to replenish your body throughout your day. Your body will tell you when you need more. When you’re even mildly dehydrated you’ll feel thirsty and you may even have dry mouth or dry lips. Other symptoms of dehydration are divided into moderate and severe categories. Moderate Dehydration Symptoms
  • Dry, sticky mouth
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Dry skin
  • Headache
Severe Dehydration Symptoms
  • All of the above symptoms
  • A rapid, weak pulse
  • Rapid breathing
  • Confusion
  • Lack of sweating
Dehydration can be the result of forgetting to drink enough water, vomiting, diarrhea, overexposure to the sun and fever. Diuretics and natural diuretics such as alcohol and caffeine can also cause dehydration. So, be sure to drink large amounts of water when you’re ill or enjoying the great outdoors.4 1. “Nutrition and Healthy Eating,” Mayo Clinic 2. “Nutrition and Healthy Eating,” Mayo Clinic 3. “Tips to Prevent Fluid Loss, Dehydration,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4. “Nutrition and Healthy Eating,” Mayo Clinic